C3 Church, Southwest Wa.

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APOSTOLIC EXILES: The Kingdom Suffers Violence

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APOSTOLIC EXILES: The Kingdom Suffers Violence Ps. Steve Parrish


SLIDE The Kingdom Suffers Violence

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 11:12 (ESV) From the days of John the

Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.

biazo: forceful behavior intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone/something



Two Kingdoms: Kingdom Of Heaven & Kingdoms Of This World

We focused on the Kingdom of Heaven

SLIDE The Kingdom Established Eternally, Extended to Earth

SLIDE Unknown Events Brought Chaos To Earth/Kingdom

SLIDE Earth Was Reformed With A Renewed Kingdom Presence

● Genesis 1:3-2:3 - 7 Days Of Creation

● Genesis 1:26 (ESV) Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over... every ... thing ...on the earth.”

● Genesis 2:8 (ESV) And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed.

● Genesis 1:28 (ESV) “Be fruitful and multiply and fill (replenish) the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over ... every living thing that moves on the earth.” (not just Eden)

ADAM Was Heaven’s Apostle To Earth:

representative, messenger, ambassador, colonizer, king by proxy

SLIDE The Other Kingdom’s King Attacked The Kingdom/Garden

● Genesis 3:1 (ESV) Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?”

● Genesis 3:4 (ESV) But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die.

● Genesis 3:6 (ESV) So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate.


The Garden/KIngdom Suffered Violence

● biazo: forceful behavior intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone/something

● 2 Corinthians 11:3 (ESV) ...the serpent (disguised) deceived Eve by his cunning (the art of doing something with a high level of craftiness and skill)...

○ Revelation 12:9 - the deceiver of the whole world

○ Revelation 20:3 - the deceiver of the nations

○ False Propaganda

● 2 Corinthians 11:14 (ESV) And no wonder, for even Satan disguises (to change one’s appearance) himself as an angel of light (sagad - to prostrate in worship to God)


Satan’s visit was an intensely violent attack (forceful behavior intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone/something) against the Kingdom’s Presence on Earth, the Kingdom’s Apostolic Leader (representative, messenger, ambassador, colonizer, king by proxy), the Kingdom's Citizens (Eve & children), the Kingdom’s Mission on Earth (God’s command to be fruitful, multiply, fill (replenish) the earth, subdue it, have dominion over EVERY living thing (including Satan) that moves on the earth (not just within Eden), and ultimately the King Himself. IT’S THE SAME VIOLENT ATTACK. YOU ARE ADAM.

SLIDE: 7 Contemporary Violent Garden Attacks

1. “In the beginning, God”

○ the violent attack against the reality of God/His Kingdom

○ Attack on God, not on all gods.

○ We have to respect all religions,

○ Fashionable to attack Judaism/Christianity

○ Mock Jesus, but not Allah or Muhammad his prophet

○ No limit to using Jesus as a curse word

○ Mental Health Facilities - people cursing Jesus

2. “And God said, “Let there be...”

○ the violent attack on the creative work of God to establish Heaven/Earth

○ Mathematical impossibility: right time, place, chemicals, for us to have the exact gravity to stick to earth,

-but not so much that our blood isn’t trapped in our ankles.

○ Science ignored - Laws of Entropy

○ Intelligent Design ignored

3. “He said to the woman...”

○ The violent attack focused on God’s Apostles

○ God has apostolic people, alway under attack

○ The Jewish Nation historically, Auschwitz and today

○ Christianity historically, Nero, and today

○ Why were riots allowed but church gatherings closed.

○ Why were liquor/cannabis stores open, not churches?

○ Football continues, but not prayer meetings

4. “Did God actually say”

○ the violent attack focused on reGod/King’s Word

○ Why is the Bible so heavily mocked and every other publication promoted

○ School literature selections

5. “God created man in his image... male and female

○ The violent attack on God implanted identity attack on God’s role in conception

■ The premise that it is just a biology

○ The attack on identity

■ God’s image bearer

■ Apostolic purpose

○ The reality of male/female

■ Gender confusion shows up through many different vehicles but those are disguises. It’s always an

attack on the Kingdom

○ The beauty of complementary roles of man woman

6. “Man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”

○ the violent attack against covenantal marriage

○ Biblical Marriage covenant between three entities

○ Civil unions are not Biblical Marriages

7. “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth

○ the violent attack against procreation that has defined Kingdom purposes

■ The attack comes in all sorts of disguises but ultimately this is the violent attack of all attacks.

■ Violence focused on God’s Apostles before they have their intended impact.

■ Violence via: abortion or miscarriage

■ Abortion is modern day Molech worship: the promise of a better life if we kill the child.

■ Having kids is viewed as as negative

■ Large families are mocked, traditionally celebrated

■ LIES: the earth can’t support it

■ LIES: what kind of evil brings a child into this suffering

■ LIES: we can’t afford that

■ Ploy to keep kingdom expansion limited