Welcome Novemberfast 2022. Each year we set aside the first 21 days in November to lean into prayer as a church family to better hear God’s voice and get direction for the coming new year. You never know what 2023 will bring, but there are two ways to navigate as it comes. You can let circumstances take you where they will, or you can hear from God now, set your course, and then plow through opposing circumstances as they appear with confidence that you're moving in the right direction.

Novemberfast will position you to step into the new year better equipped to take the ground that rightfully belongs to you.

A few things to note about fasting in general. Fasts are everywhere in the Bible, in both Old and New Testaments. When God’s people fasted, they deprived themselves of food, sometimes water and oftentimes other common pleasures. They used their time during the fast to get closer to God, get answers and experience breakthrough in critical areas of their lives. Fasts lasted from as short as a single meal to as long as 40 days. Naturally this created a level of discomfort proportionate to the fast, but that was part of the sacrifice offered in order to experience the desired outcome.

To be clear, fasting is not a form of asceticism. It is not enduring physical discomfort to get God’s attention, earn His pleasure or to get Him to do something. Instead, fasting is about better aligning yourself with God to better access the favor He has already made available for your life.

As You Participate In Novemberfast:

  • You will attend regularly scheduled church gatherings.

  • You will be reading two to three assigned chapters in the Bible each day, one from the book of John and the others from the book of Proverbs.

  • You will spend time each day using and developing a Prayer Outline that is broken up into daily themes to better help you to pray effectively over the various components of your life.

  • You will watch a daily Video Challenge with a Journaling Assignment to complete.

  • You will commit to a personally defined level of fasting including individual foods, complete meals, entertainment, leisure activities, social media, hobbies, pleasures, etc. It’s up to you to decide what you will sacrifice during your 21 days.

Here Are Your Next Steps:

  • Access the C3 NOVEMBERFAST 2022 page and click on the REGISTER link.

  • On the NOVEMBERFAST 2022 page, download the 2022 Novemberfast Booklet, that includes your 2022 Novemberfast Commitment, Video Challenge Journal and Prayer Outline. These are available as Google Docs, Word Docs, and PDF’s. If you would like a paper copy, visit our Connect Center where you can purchase a copy for $5.

  • Next, join us November 1 and every day following on the C3 Facebook page to view the daily Video Challenge. After you’re done with the video, be sure to leave a comment so we can enjoy the challenge together.

  • Finally, stick with Novemberfast all 21 days. If for some reason you miss a day or two, do not quit. Pick back up with the current day, and if you have time, go back and visit missed days. And if you don’t find time to go back, keep moving forward. Better to miss a day or two then drop out because of a day or two. But even better, knock it out of the park all 21 days.

This year, you’ll notice that the theme of our fast is GENEROSITY. We have chosen this theme because the generosity of God is everywhere around us and so often it’s focused like a fire hose, in our direction, saturating our lives so significantly, that at times, we can almost become ignorant of it because it is so prevalent. And I honestly believe His generosity is going to intensify in our church and our personal lives in the coming year. I want to help you respond in an appropriate way while reflecting His generosity to others in an ever increasing way, so that they can enjoy His generosity as well.

This is going to be an incredible 21 days, and I am excited to have you join me. Let’s do this!

Steve Parrish